Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where in the World: England

Katie writes to us from jolly ol' England, where she fashionably sports her purple and gold coffee sleeve. Thanks Katie!

Wanna share all the places you've been green??? Send your snap shot and brief description to DotandLineHome@gmail.com.


Michelle C said...

Yeah! Katie

Audrey said...

Lucky girl! I was in England many years ago, for four days. It rained 2.5 of those days. Had a great time though!

Kelly said...

good for you! I'd love to be in England...anywhere in the UK, actually. :)

Unknown said...

England is absolutely beautiful...and I know what you mean about the 2.5 days of rain out of 4. If you ever get the chance to visit London and the White Cliffs of Dover or Canterbury City, I highly recommend it. It sure is a blessing to live here! And luckily, my Dot and Line coffee cup is travel friendly! :-)

Dallas Shaw said...

how sweet- do you have these printed yourselves or are they all made from fabric