Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Blog Redo

October is finally here and after months of planning so is our blog revamp! Having finally come to the realization that it would be nearly impossible for me to post on a regular basis, I decided to organize and utilize the help of 2 other very talented creatives. This means that you can stop by for new blog posts practically every day of the work week!

Mondays and Wednesdays will be brought to us by our new and fabulous columnists, which I will introduce to you tomorrow. Tuesdays will rotate between Artist Profiles and our new "Making it Together" section. Thursdays will be our "Wild Card" day each week and finally, Fridays I will be writing about green alternatives to every day items and fun DIY projects.

We would love to hear from you too! Do you have a fun DIY project or before and after photos of a recent project? Did you take your D&L reusable coffee sleeve to a fun & far off place? How about a green tip to share? We want to see your photos and hear all about it. E-mail your submissions to with "Submission" in the subject line.

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